
Neither Trading Chat Room nor its members should be considered financial advisors. We are not qualified to give financial advice. You are completely responsible for any investments you make. The content you find on our website or in our discord chat room is for educational purposes only, and Trading Chat Room is not responsible in any way for investments or trades that you decide to make.

Stock market trading and investing are risky. You could potentially lose all your money (or more if you’re trading futures or trading with margin). Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. There is substantial risk involved in trading and it is not suitable for all investors.

You might want to paper trade when you first join this service. That way you can try out some of the trading ideas using fake money. It lets you get practice and experience without risking real money.

The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Proceed at your own risk.

Every trader in this group who has taken live trades has probably had losing trades. If you trade for long enough, you are all but certain to take losses. Be prepared for that and expect it. If you can’t stand the thought of taking losses, then this service is probably not for you, because from our perspective losses are unavoidable. Our objective isn’t to have zero losses. It’s to be profitable over time.

Nothing contained in this service constitutes legal, tax, securities or investment advice. We are not tax professionals.

This service is aimed at and published for individuals residing in the United States. Trading Chat Room makes no representation that the materials provided are appropriate for users outside the United States or permitted under the laws of other jurisdictions.

If you choose to access or use this service from outside the United States, you are fully responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws.

This website is not a solicitation to buy or sell futures, equities, or options.

All trades, patterns, charts, and systems discussed on this website are for illustrative purposes only and are not specific advisory recommendations. No system or methodology has ever been developed that can guarantee profits.

This brief statement does not disclose all the risks and other significant aspects of trading in futures, options, and equities. This information is strictly intended for educational purposes.